Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

RV84DSG1.2 - Why have I not radically changed?
Rishi Valley, India - 19 December 1984
Discussion with Small Group 1.2




Q: We started discussing the ground of the mind from which a new mind can flower. You also spoke about the senses operating at their highest, simultaneously. As a newcomer, where do I begin?

If we lose touch with nature, of which we are a part, then we lose touch with humanity, our fellow beings.

Do you only look with your eyes?

Ask yourself why after forty years you are exactly as you were, modified. There has been no radical change. Why?

Our brains are conditioned to reward and punishment.

The essential nature of meditation is never to be conscious that you’re meditating.

Can the brain be so quiet that the activity of thought has completely ended, or is it always chattering away?

Note: a total of 1 minute and 13 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.