Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SA62T7 - The ending of sorrow and the intensity of passion
Saanen, Switzerland - 5 August 1962
Public Talk 7




Totally ending sorrow so that the mind is never caught in the shadow of self-pity or despair.

There can be passion only when there is complete self-abandonment.

One is never passionate unless there is complete absence of thought.

Individual sorrow and the collective sorrow of the world.

The lack of understanding of oneself is the essence of ignorance.

The collective ignorance of man is part of the immensity of sorrow.

What is sorrow? There are no words to explain what sorrow and love are.

You can find out only if your mind has stopped all explanations, is not seeking the cause of sorrow, is not indulging in words or going back to pleasures and pains, is no longer imagining.

Questions from the audience followed the talk.