Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SA65T5 - A mind in a state of complete negation
Saanen, Switzerland - 20 July 1965
Public Talk 5




Loneliness and aloneness are two different states.

When the mind is evaluating in terms of pleasure, that very centre is productive of conflict and contradiction.

There must be freedom from all problems and that is the only freedom.

Time breeds disorder, not order.

A mind that is in a state of complete negation because it has understood the whole process of positive inquiry, only such a mind acts. This is freedom and therefore it has no problem.

Is it possible to free the mind from idea and therefore always be in a state of action?

If there is an interval, time between idea and action, there is conflict, effort and deterioration of energy. If this is deeply understood the mind is in a complete state of action all the time.

The inaction of the mind is action.