Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SA65T8 - Love and death are something unknown
Saanen, Switzerland - 27 July 1965
Public Talk 8




Truth is not a thing that you and I can possess, nor shared with another.

All life is relationship and relationship cannot exist when the mind is isolating itself in its activities.

To inquire there must be freedom from self-centred activity.

If we do not know what love is, we shall never know what death is.

We are afraid of losing the known, which is the past. The past through the present creates the future and this time as the known is what we cling to.

When you cling to something of the past, your mind, your heart, your whole being is already dead.

When the mind is free of the known there is that which is not knowable through words, experience, visions, or through any form of expression.

Questions from the audience followed the talk.