Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SA68D1 - Can I look out of silence at my contradictory life?
Saanen, Switzerland - 31 July 1968
Public Discussion 1




To communicate we must use words but words are heavily loaded.

Words create in us a form, a design, a content, which is actually the ‘me’, the thinker, the observer.

Am I aware that I lead a fragmentary life?

I am afraid and so I become aggressive.

Contradictory lives exist everywhere you go.

When I look at the fact that my life is contradictory, what is the relationship between the observer and the thing I am looking at?

If one is looking at the fact silently, there is only the fact.

If you are not silent, how can you commune with contradiction?

We have accepted there is a “how” but there is no “how”, no method.

Methods will not give you silence.

If you cannot look without the observer there can be no communion with the thing observed.