Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SA68T8 - Looking at sorrow with the complete abandonment of silence
Saanen, Switzerland - 23 July 1968
Public Talk 8




Is it possible never to accept, but to examine and explore?

To examine ourselves actually as we are needs humility.

To think is to invite sorrow.

Why do we suffer?

Is one able to go beyond sorrow?

If the mind is not quiet how can you understand anything or be completely intimate with death, time or sorrow?

Can you look at yourself completely silently?

What is death?

When you die naturally, freely, happily to everything you know, there is death, innocency, freshness.

Living is to die every day to what you have fought against or gathered, to self-importance, self-pity, sorrow, pleasures and agonies.