Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SA78T5 - Is love a movement of time and thought?
Saanen, Switzerland - 18 July 1978
Public Talk 5




Is one aware that one lives in contradiction, a constant conflict between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’?

Why have human beings become so mechanical?

What is the root of disorder?

Thought that hasn’t realised its proper place is the very essence of disorder.

Is it possible to act and function naturally, happily, without a centre and without the content of consciousness?

What is that action in which there is no contradiction, regret, reward or punishment, therefore an action that is whole?

If we can find out what love is, our life may be totally different, without conflict, control, or any form of effort.

Is love the movement of the senses or desire?