Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SD70DYP - How can the mind free itself of its accumulated violence?
San Diego, California - 8 April 1970
Discussion with Young People



Killing each other has been a kind of peculiar, monstrous game throughout the centuries, and though so-called educated, cultured, we are still indulging in the most savage form of butchery.

There is no love in any form if there is any spark of violence in the mind.

What is the source of violence?

How does the ‘me’ come into being?

What is the mechanism that forms images?

When the mind doesn’t name it, can the mind look at what it has called violence?

To have extra-sensory perceptive experience, you must be extraordinarily mature, extraordinarily sensitive, extraordinarily intelligent. If you are extraordinarily intelligent, you don’t want psychic experience.

How do you meet violence in other people?