Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SD74CA11 - Being hurt and hurting others
San Diego, California - 25 February 1974
Conversation with A.W. Anderson 11




Q: What is a religious life?

The word ‘religion’ means gathering together all energy, at all levels, so that it will bring about great attention. Can the mind be so totally attentive that the unnameable comes into being?

What is the quality, structure, nature of a mind, and therefore of a heart and brain, that can perceive something beyond the measurement of thought, something that is not only sacred and holy in itself but that is capable of seeing something immense?

In discussing religion we ought to inquire into the nature of hurt, because a mind that is not hurt is an innocent mind. Can our hurts be healed so that not a mark is left and can future hurts be prevented, without any resistance?