Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SM72T1 - To act instantly is to see actually ‘what is’
Santa Monica, California - 18 March 1972
Public Talk 1




Action is always in the present, not tomorrow or in some distant future – action means now.

Your mind is my mind, your sorrow is my sorrow. There is no division in sorrow, there is no division in love.

Can you put away from your mind the idea that you have to learn to be aware?

Q: When have you experienced joy?

Q: What does it take to snap from adaptive conditional behaviour to spontaneity?

Q: If you throw a stone into the water, do the ripples stop?

Q: What’s wrong with identifying with the Godself?

Q: Is the speaker aware of the contradiction between his words, his message and his life, what he is doing, the medium of his message?

Q: How do I go about being aware of myself?

Note: a total of 3 minutes of missing video is replaced by audio only.