Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

SM72T2 - Is there a total action which will be sane in an insane world?
Santa Monica, California - 19 March 1972
Public Talk 2




What is the motive, the drive, the energy behind our action?

What is the difference between pleasure, enjoyment and joy?

What is total action?

When there is only the fact, you have total energy to deal with that fact. Then that fact undergoes a radical change. When you look at the fact, at ‘what is’ with a conclusion, an image, a prejudice, then you are dissipating energy in contradiction.

Q: I would like to understand why love or hatred in the story of St Paul is immaterial.

The pursuit of pleasure divides people.

What is relationship?

Q: I am working for the Women’s Lib and we are trying to raise women’s consciousness to a higher level. What do you say about this?

Note: a total of 15 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.