Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

UN84T - The causes of war
United Nations - 17 April 1984
Public Talk



Will institutions and foundations ever bring peace on earth?

Why are human beings so conditioned?

If there is no security in our relationship with each other, that is the beginning of conflict and war.

We are responsible for every kind of war.

Is it possible, not merely intellectually but actually in our daily life, to radically change, bring about deep mutation?

Q: You have given us a bleak and pessimistic picture of the world in which we live and of ourselves. Do you see any positive signs around?

Q: How do we go about the attainment of psychological security within ourselves?

Q: I wonder what proportion of humanity would be able to respond to the very good sense of your comments.

Why hasn’t man changed? Why hasn’t he learnt? Is it because culturally, socially, we have looked for the outer to change the inner?