Summaries of Krishnamurti's audios and videos

GS62DSG3 - Do we go to the end of anything?
Gstaad, Switzerland - 16 August 1962
Discussion with Small Group 3




A mature mind must have reached the end of its tether, finished with the church, communism, nationalism, gods.

Understanding one facet of life will bring understanding of all other facets, you haven’t to go through them all.

I have watched, I have listened, I have gone into myself, I have finished. At the end of it all I come to the point when I am completely empty; there is no movement.

We are always thinking what to do, never saying, ‘I can’t do anymore,’ and waiting.

Why should I know about anyone else? Somebody has reached and somebody has not. I don’t want to know what they have reached; I want to find out.

We don’t go to the end of anything, such as authority; we go halfway and then on to something else.